Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just trying to find my way . . .

like the rest of you. Nothing in particular is special about this blog. But have you ever read a line in a book or a newspaper column or wherever and you thought to yourself "that expresses exactly how I feel at times" and it's so reaffirming for you as a human being? And you are reassured by the fact that maybe you're not so crazy or dysfunctional as you once thought after all? I hope that, if anything, this blog accomplishes that. There were so many times in my life that I just needed someone -- somewhere -- to tell me that they had felt exactly the same way and that I wasn't odd or in the minority. I think that this happens more often than not. And if we will just let down our guard and remove the masks of supposed self confidence and superiority, we can be of such great comfort to those fellow sojourners around us. So, here I am offering up myself as a sacrificial lamb. Not solely for purposes of selflessness, but in a way as a very selfish act. Hoping that those of you who feel the same way will come out of the woodwork and share your vulnerabilities so that we as a human race can recognize that we're all of the same cloth. We all have the same fears, hopes and dreams -- regardless of our name, address, bank account, social standing or any other material thing of insignificance. We are soooooo the same and our differences, for the most part, are minimal and inconsequential. I think this is the remedy for world peace; to realize and emphasize our similarities which are far greater and minimize our differences which are typically far fewer and less important.

New beginnings . . .

The birth of this blog comes during a time in my life when I found myself in a situation where I actually had the time to start one. Like the other 10 percent (and growing) percentage of Americans -- not to mention the nearly 17 percent of North Carolinians -- I am now among the unemployed. So, for want of an outlet and need to produce something, here I am joining the world of Blog.

Though I wasn't schooled in the art of writing, it's something I have a passion for and love to do - - and it's a therapeutic and healing balm for me. So, regardless of whether I have any "followers" or not, I will carve out my own niche here and happily enjoy the new venture. And, if by chance someone else gleans some good morsel from it, well then all the better and fulfilling it will be.